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Tooth Grinding and the Potential Effects on Dental Health

2013 July 19
by admin

Solutions for Bruxism in Derbyshire

Tooth grinding, or bruxism, to give it its correct name, is a problem that many people in the UK suffer from, although many are unaware of it as it most often occurs whilst the person is asleep. Of course, stress can also cause people to do this whilst they are awake too in some situations; this may be temporary but if it continues will almost certainly lead to dental problems.

As well as being a potentially annoying habit, tooth grinding can also have the short term effect of damaging teeth that are weak, and a longer term effect of wearing down the teeth and causing an uneven bite with the subsequent problems that may bring.

Bruxism and Veneers

With an increasing number of people wearing dental veneers to correct minor damage to their teeth or simply to brighten the appearance of their teeth, the issue of bruxism is very relevant to them. In fact, if you do grind your teeth a lot, wearing dental veneers may not be for you as it is likely to lead to the veneers becoming detached from the front of the teeth.

Relaxation Techniques

Of course, as with most medical problems, the best form of cure is to prevent it happening in the first place. This is easier said than done though of course. There are many relaxation techniques that are widely available and many of these these can be found online at places such as Youtube. Whilst there is no guarantee that these will cure your bruxism, relieving stress may very well help.

Relaxation techniques are unlikely to work for everyone though and the problems that can potentially occur when a person grinds their teeth mean that seeking out help and advice is advisable.

Solutions to general Occlusal Problems and Bruxism at Alexandra Dental Care

We are fortunate at our dental practice to benefit from the skills of Dr. Yogi Savania who has a special interest in this field of dentistry. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to the problems of, and caused by, bruxism, and a consultation will be needed to determine what is the best course of action to take.

On occasions, tooth grinding can even lead to headaches and jaw problems caused by strains to the temporo-mandibular joint, or TMJ as it is often referred to. If you do suffer from bruxism and are aware of this, then it is advisable to seek advice as soon as possible. If caught early, much potential damage to the teeth may be prevented.

Why not contact us at our local practice near Burton and Ashby and arrange an appointment with us in order for a treatment plan to be initiated to prevent any significant damage to your teeth and surrounding structures.

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