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A breath of Fresh Air. How our Swadlincote dental Hygienists can help.

2012 November 5
by Alex Team

Bad Breath and Halitosis.

Bad breath or halitosis has been a problem for mankind since the beginning of most recorded history. There are many causes such as spicy foods and garlic, dry mouth or smoking etc..

It is estimated that 85-90% of bad breath conditions come from sources in the mouth.

Gum disease can be and is a significant cause of halitosis. Tartar or scale that builds up on teeth around the gums has a rough surface that attracts bacteria. Putrefaction of these bacteria results in volatile sulphur gases which lead to foul odours. Bad breath also originates from accumulated bacterial plaque and food coated on the back of the tongue.

Scale cannot be brushed off and so teeth have to be de-scaled regularly by the dentist or hygienist, thus reducing the potential for halitosis causing bacteria and other gum problems.

Our dental team can show you how brushing and flossing could help prevent the stagnations of food debris particularly in areas where you have large old fillings with rough edges.

In cases of more advanced gum disease a charting of ‘gum pocketing’ would be made showing areas of inflamed gums that bleed easily. In these areas the bacterial activity and resultant sulphur compounds is greatest.

If you are worried and think you may have bad breath then speak to one of our friendly dental team members who will be happy to help. Call the practice on 01283 216347 or complete a contact form.



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