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Dental Veneers Offer Long Lasting Improvements To Your Smile

2021 December 3
by admin

How porcelain veneers can be used to boost your looks and confidence at our Swadlincote dental practice

Almost everyone must, by now, have heard of a teeth whitening procedure. Although there are still a few misconceptions about this treatment, its results can frequently be seen on TV personalities and other celebrities. Its affordability means that it is also available to a wide range of people. It can radically change smiles for the better and with that, help those who had a discoloured smile to feel much happier about their new one.

This is all great news and there is no doubt that a teeth whitening procedure can be hugely beneficial, as can be seen by its popularity with patients of Alexandra Dental Care. What are the options though when teeth are very badly stained or when there are other defects such as small chips or cracks; problems that can’t be resolved using a teeth whitening procedure? When this happens, dental veneers are often the solution and can be used to restore teeth that have been affected in this way.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are designed to cover the front surface of a tooth that has been badly discoloured, chipped or cracked. They are made from a very fine layer of porcelain, or occasionally a composite material. In order to use these, we usually have to prepare the affected tooth by shaving away a fine layer, the equivalent thickness of the veneer, from the front of the tooth. This will be done using a local anaesthetic to minimise any discomfort.

When the tooth has been prepared in this way, our experienced team will take impressions of the prepared teeth and these are then sent away to a special laboratory for your veneers to be produced. In the meantime, you will be fitted with temporary veneers so that your teeth are protected and to avoid any discomfort due to tooth sensitivity. The production of the veneers usually takes around a week or so and once they are returned to us, we will recall you to our practice to have them fitted. This is a straightforward part of the procedure where the temporary veneers are first removed and your new veneers then fitted using a strong clinical adhesive. Finally, we will trim and polish your new tooth surface to make them look natural and to finish your beautiful new smile!

Aftercare and longevity

Along with patients from Swadlincote, we also have many patients that travel from the nearby towns of Ashby and Burton, and, between them, one of the most common questions we are asked is how long will the veneers last. Much of this will depend on the level of aftercare that you provide.

It is important to remember that although veneers are made from an artificial material and can’t therefore decay, they are attached to your natural tooth which can. To ensure that your veneers remain firmly attached, it is important to take care to brush your teeth and gums well. Any incidences of tooth decay could result in the need for a filling which could weaken the hold of the veneer. Because of this, it is important that you brush and floss your teeth well each day, as you should do, veneers or not!

Provided that you do this, there is every chance that your veneers will last for the ten years or so that should be expected. Even after this, they can simply be replaced, often without any additional dental surgery.

You can eat as normal with teeth veneers but care should be taken not to apply undue force to them. Examples of this are biting fingernails, trying to crack nuts or even opening packets with your teeth as this could cause them to ease away from the tooth. It is worth noting that this advice applies even if you don’t wear veneers!

Not just whiter teeth!

Although most commonly used where teeth are heavily stained or discoloured; as mentioned earlier, they can also be used to improve the appearance of teeth that have suffered chips or cracks, perhaps simply through years of wear and tear. This makes them an excellent option for older patients who want to regain a whiter smile as well as younger ones who simply want to look ‘fabulous’. Depending on circumstances, veneers can also sometimes be used to correct crooked teeth and even to close a gap between the top front teeth, known as a diastema. Veneers should not be seen as a substitute for orthodontics though and you will need to be examined by our team to determine which solution would work best for you.

Consistent whiteness

One benefit of veneers over a teeth whitening procedure is that the results are more permanent. Whilst a teeth whitening procedure will whiten your teeth for a good period of time, they will gradually start to discolour again, requiring ongoing treatment if you want to keep them white. Veneers, on the other hand, will retain more or less the same level of whiteness as when first fitted. Porcelain veneers are largely non porous and are therefore largely stain resistant. It is possible though for food and drink residues to stick to the surface, so it is important to brush diligently. Veneers that are made from composite material are more likely to stain and generally will not have the longevity of porcelain veneers.

If you are from Swadlincote, Burton or Ashby and are looking for ways to improve your smile, we can help you. Using treatments such as teeth whitening and veneers we can help you have a smile to be really proud of. Why not start your journey today by arranging a consultation at Alexandra Dental Care by giving us a call on 01283 216347?

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