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Looking for Love? Look for a Dentist First!

2013 March 21
by admin

Spruce up your smile and oral health at Alexandra Dental Care in Burton and Ashby

With Valentine’s day now long gone, the onset of Spring often brings about a renewed determination to find a partner. As Spring officially started yesterday (though you wouldn’t know it if you look out of the window of our local dental practice!), we thought we would highlight the role that good dental care can have in helping you to find a new partner.


Do you use online dating sites? If so, have you noticed how you are drawn to the profiles where the person is smiling? If you haven’t noticed this, think about it next time you take a look. There are good reasons for this. Not only does a smile indicate a sense of humour, something which most of us need at some point in a relationship, but also indicates confidence and the fact that the person most likely feels comfortable in their own skin.

If you think about it, isn’t it always the person who is smiling at parties that attracts people around them, whilst the moody person is often seen alone in the kitchen.

Smiling of course is much easier, and more attractive if you have good teeth, and cosmetic dental procedures such as those here in Burton and Ashby offer a number of options for improving the appearance of your teeth.

For those with crooked teeth we offer the latest in adult braces. These Invisalign braces are not only more comfortable but are almost impossible to detect when being worn. Once your teeth are straight, or if they already are, then a tooth whitening procedure can brighten up the whiteness of your teeth by a factor of seven or more. If your teeth are really badly stained or chipped, then don’t worry, dental veneers can be fitted instead and these guarantee a great white even smile.


So there you are, with a nice white set if even teeth and the confidence to smile. That’s great, but however nice your teeth look, you certainly won’t attract that mate if you have bad breath. You might find that people are drawn towards you but they will almost certainly leave soon afterwards once they detect your breath.

There are certainly some simple things that you can do to avoid halitosis such as avoiding garlic and spicy foods and certainly not smoking. However sometimes the halitosis has deeper roots and may well lie in gum disease. This is a lot more common than people think but is also usually easily treated, especially in the early stages. At this time, it can often be corrected through better dental care or a minor scrape and polish. Leaving it longer though is nearly certain to lead to more invasive procedures.

The most important thing to remember is to make sure that you visit your Burton and Ashby dentist on a regular basis; that way any signs of gum disease will be spotted easily and can be treated.

So, finally,  you have a great set of teeth and sweet smelling breath; now it’s time to get out there and widen your social circle and meet the person of your dreams.

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