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Natural looking, white teeth

2013 June 12
by admin

Modern dentistry improving your teeth and smile

There are probably thousands, if not millions, of people who, each day, notice someone on TV and wish that their teeth could be as white as theirs. They probably dismiss this thought as rapidly as it came, working on the assumption that having great teeth is all down to luck and that little can be done about their own teeth to get them looking good again.

Cosmetic dentistry though has come a long long way and can do a great deal to make a person’s teeth look fantastic once again. No longer does it have to be the sole preserve of movie stars but affordable treatments are now available at our dental practice near Burton and Ashby which bring a great smile back to our lives again.

For badly damaged teeth of course, more invasive procedures such as a dental implant may be needed to get teeth looking good again, but for those whose teeth are in generally good shape but need to be whiter, here are three treatments that are relatively straightforward to perform and will make a great difference immediately.

Tooth Whitening

By far the simplest and most affordable treatment, a tooth whitening procedure can be done in one hour and have instantly outstanding results. Simply by first of all protecting the gums and lips, the dentist will apply a whitening gel to the discoloured teeth which is then activated by a special light. This has the effect of whitening the discoloured cells within the teeth and can improve the whiteness of a patient’s teeth by a factor of seven or more.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are usually used when a person’s teeth are very badly stained such as may be seen in a heavy smoker or someone who has drunk a lot of red wine over the years. They can also be used on teeth that have become cracked and chipped.

The procedure involves the removal of a fine layer from the front of the discolored teeth and an impression is then taken and the porcelain veneers (which look a little like false fingernails) are then produced at a dental laboratory. Once these have been made, the patient returns for them to be fitted and trimmed and polished to give them a great new smile.

White Fillings

Although less common than the previous two procedures, white, or tooth coloured, fillings have a role to play. There is nothing pleasant about smiling when it means revealing a mouth full of amalgam fillings. For some time there was thought to be no alternative as amalgam offers a great deal of strength, however advances in dental research have created a tooth coloured filling which comes very close to this and can be used in the vast majority of cases.

Having one, or a combination of these procedures, depending on your needs, will transform your teeth from being dull and discoloured to a beautiful white and bright smile once more.

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