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Invisalign Special Offer Extended

2015 December 1
by admin

Straighter teeth and a free whitening procedure near Burton!

Following the success of our special Invisalign offer, we have decided to extend it! Using this special offer, you can now book to have your teeth straightened, along with a free teeth whitening procedure, up until the end of 2015.

Why the extension?

For many years, people’s sole purpose to visit the dentist was to have a procedure carried out to protect or restore their teeth. Whilst these procedures certainly helped patients to have stronger and healthier teeth, they did little or nothing regarding the way that the teeth appeared aesthetically. Over the years, as costs have come down and people are more aware of the possibilities of cosmetic dentistry, many dental practices, including Alexandra Dental Care, have extended their range of these procedures in order to help patients fulfil their wishes for nicer looking teeth.

Our special offer of a free teeth whitening procedure when you have your teeth straightened using Invisalign orthodontics, we are sure, will be of interest to many of our Burton and Ashby patients who are seeking to improve their smile.


First, let’s recap why Invisalign is one of the most popular orthodontic systems currently available in dentistry. Unlike more traditional orthodontic methods, Invisalign does not use wires or brackets, but, instead, is a series of almost invisible plastic trays that sit over the teeth, each in the series working to move the teeth just a little further towards their desired position. Both difficult to see and also comfortable and convenient, they are the ‘go to’ choice of many patients who wish to have their teeth straightened without the embarrassment of highly visible metal braces.

Teeth whitening

Having your teeth whitened is only part of the work to have nicer teeth though. If you are unfortunate enough to have teeth that have started to become yellow, or discoloured, over time, your new found confidence to smile may be dampened by the fact that you will be revealing discoloured teeth by doing so. Our special offer for the residents of Burton and Ashby means that, at no extra cost, you can have beautiful white teeth that you can be proud of when you smile! So straighter teeth and whiter too!

This procedure will be carried out, free of charge, once your teeth are in their desired position following your Invisalign treatment. It is a pain free and speedy procedure, and one that we are sure will delight you.

To arrange a consultation, and take advantage of our special offer, please call Alexandra Dental Care on 01283 216347.

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