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A Cheaper Way To Straighten Your Teeth

2016 April 22
by admin

£500 off Invisalign orthodontic treatment until the end of April 2016.

With just over a week to go before our special offer ends, we thought it would be worth reminding patients who are considering having their teeth straightened, the benefits of the Invisalign method, and, at a cheaper price too.

Whilst all orthodontic methods will straighten teeth, they are not always as convenient and comfortable as Invisalign, and, it is specifically for this reason why many patients visit our dental practice near Ashby.

Dental braces

The traditional design of regular dental braces has not changed dramatically over the years and the manner in which they work. Wires and brackets are attached to the patient’s teeth and gradually tensioned to reposition the teeth in the desired manner. Even with modern versions of these braces, which use much finer and less visible materials, there are still drawbacks; although there is little doubt that they are still very effective.

Comfort can be an issue with some people, but perhaps the main disadvantage is that food can easily become lodged in the wiring of the braces, and, if not removed, may cause dental problems such as decay.


With the method used by Invisalign, the key issues of comfort and hygiene have been addressed, and this revolutionary method of teeth straightening is becoming increasingly popular because of it. Instead of the wires and bracket approach, Invisalign orthodontics are made into a series of trays which fit directly over the teeth, with each tray progressively correcting the position of the affected teeth.

Because each tray is designed specifically for the individual patient using scans and impressions, the comfort factor is significantly increased. Many patients tell us that, after the initial fitting where a little pressure might be felt, they soon forget that they are wearing the aligners. The fact that they are also made of a high grade transparent plastic means that others are unlikely to notice either. Keeping your teeth and gums clean and free from decay and gum disease becomes much easier with Invisalign too. Unlike traditional braces which have to remain attached to the teeth, Invisalign orthodontics are meant to be removed from the teeth, both when eating and for cleaning and flossing your teeth.

You should, of course, ensure that the trays are also cleaned before returning to the mouth following cleaning and flossing, but providing that this simple guideline is followed and a good general oral health regimen maintained, problems should be few and far between.

With just over a week to go, you don’t want to miss out on this special offer! Please call Alexandra Dental Care today on 01283 216347 to book your free consultation.

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