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Treating Misaligned Teeth

2016 February 16
by admin

Choosing the most appropriate orthodontic system is key to straightening teeth.

At Alexandra Dental Care, we offer our patients a selection of orthodontic (“brace”) systems, designed to help them to have straighter teeth, whatever the specific issue.

Selecting the right system is key to achieving even teeth, and, using the latest technology, as well as discussions with the patient, our dentists near to Burton on Trent are able to select the appropriate system for your needs.

Types of misaligned teeth

Whilst patients often simply describe their teeth as ‘crooked’, there are many types of crooked teeth, each with their own causes. In some cases, genetics play a part in this and little can be done to prevent the teeth coming through in a crooked manner. Other times, crooked teeth can be caused by an overcrowded mouth, or a malformed jaw which can cause an overbite or underbite. Another common cause is where the front teeth protrude. This is often a legacy of a childhood spent sucking a thumb, or even a dummy (see previous blog). Injuries too may cause teeth to grow crookedly.

Problems of crooked teeth

Whilst crooked teeth are disliked by patients, largely due to their appearance; they can also have a more significant functional effect on our daily lives. Eating can be more problematic, especially in more advanced cases, and, biting on hard foods can put excessive pressure on a misaligned tooth and may cause it to become even more crooked over time. Speech defects can also  develop through having crooked teeth, but one of the more significant issues is that of effective teeth cleaning.

Whilst our Burton hygienist is excellent at removing plaque and encouraging patients to clean and floss correctly; when teeth are crooked this is not always easy to do. If teeth overlap, for instance, it can be exceptionally difficult to floss effectively. Sadly, this tiny space does not stop bacteria and acids getting in there, and both decay and gum disease can become a problem in that location.

Which orthodontics?

Whilst there are guidelines on which orthodontic to use in a given situation, our experience and expertise, as well as the use of the latest technologies, helps us to narrow down to the most appropriate treatment on a case-by-case basis. This way, we are able to help patients achieve an even smile in the most effective and sustainable manner. Whilst some dental brace systems such as the Six Month Smile are designed for minor realignment only and hence act very quickly, others may need to be worn for over a year to achieve the desired results.

In some cases, there may be more than one system which would be effective, and then it comes down to personal choice. For example, Invisalign braces offer probably the most convenient and comfortable method of teeth straightening, but tend to take longer than others that are based on traditional braces design. Other styles of brace may do the same job, act faster but be slightly more visible.

If you are unhappy with your crooked teeth and live in the Burton area, please call Alexandra Dental Care on 01283 216347 to arrange a consultation to discuss further with one of our dental team.

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