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Fast Acting Orthodontics in Burton and Ashby

2013 August 27
by admin

Get a great even smile in just six months!

The British, according to the Americans anyway, have a reputation for having teeth that are uneven and badly misaligned, and whilst this is no doubt an exaggeration used to comedic effect, does appear to have some basis in fact.

The reality is that many of us probably avoided having dental braces fitted right at the very time that they were needed; in our teenage years. Unfortunately peer pressure combined with the unappealing appearance of standard braces gave us the perfect excuse to do nothing about our crooked teeth. This has left many of us, in our middle age and even before, wondering if that was such a good choice after all. But there is an option to resolve this……..

Adult Orthodontics

The good news though is that there are now dental braces that are suitable for adults and which are extremely discreet. Orthodontics such as Invisalign fall into this category and are both extremely comfortable and almost invisible to the eye.

Like all orthodontics though, these work on the basis of putting gradual pressure against the teeth to encourage them into their correct positions. Naturally, this has to be done over a period of time to avoid putting too much pressure on the teeth and potentially causing damage.

But what if you need your teeth straightening faster? Perhaps you have a wedding coming up and want to look great in the photographs, or you are due to start working in the media where you will be seen close up on the TV or in the papers.

The Six Month Smile

The answer to this is to use the ‘six month smile’ orthodontic treatment which, as the name suggests, acts much faster than most orthodontics which usually take a minimum of a year to work.

The reason that the ‘six months smile brace‘ is able to work much faster is that it focuses purely on the visible front teeth and does not affect the rear teeth at all. For some people, other orthodontics may be more suitable if their bite is affected by poorly positioned rear teeth, but for those looking largely for an aesthetic boost, then the six month smile may be just the thing. It should be noted here that the ‘six months’ may be a little more or a little less depending on the severity of the uneven teeth. Our Burton and Ashby dentist who is trained in this system will be able to advise you about how long it is likely to take in your own individual case.

Unlike Invisalign, the Six Month Smile does use a system of wires and brackets, but unlike traditional braces, both are made from tooth coloured material and are much less bulky making them both a fast acting and discreet way of straightening your visible teeth and giving you a wonderfully straight smile once more.

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