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Stoptober, how our Burton Dentists can help you stop smoking.

2012 October 2
by Alex Team

Stoptober how our Burton dentists can help you stop smoking.

Do you smoke? Or know somebody that does? If you are contemplating quitting or would like to help encourage others to quit – look no further. Stoptober is here! It’s the perfect month to embrace the challenge. Join thousands of people across the UK in giving up the habit of smoking! Visit:

Smoking is accountable for more than 106,000 deaths a year and almost 1,000 hospital admissions a day. However, it is the single and largest preventable cause of death and disability in the UK.

General health risks associated with cigarette smoking include stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and cervical cancer, to name a few. In relation to dentistry, smoking is also strongly linked to cancers of the mouth, oesophagus, throat and larynx. It is also a major risk factor involved in periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a type of gum disease which causes the irreversible loss of bone surrounding teeth, making them mobile and can subsequently lead to tooth loss. It also causes staining of teeth and bad breath!

The team at Alexandra Dental Care aim to promote healthy teeth and gums and are dedicated in helping any patients interested in quitting smoking. We offer advice, support and encouragement. Whether you want to quit for the first time, or would like to try again we will help find the most appropriate smoking cessation pathway that suits you.

Options include: • Referral to a stop smoking clinic – This service offers one-to-one counselling sessions. They will help set small, realistic and achievable targets to work towards. They will also help identify reasons for any relapse in the past to help minimise this occurrence again. • Nicotine replacement therapy – for those patients who agree to attend the clinic there are different forms of replacement therapy available to help minimise the withdrawal effects.

If you would like to book an appointment with us to help us assist you in quitting or just for general advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, for local support to stop smoking call: 0800 085 22 99. You can also register online at:




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