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Invisalign – More Than Just ‘Braces’

2021 March 26
by admin

How these near invisible orthodontics can help you build a great looking smile

Have you ever wondered how so many celebrities that we see on TV seem to have such great looking and even teeth? If you have ever asked the question, you may have concluded that they must have spent a small fortune on surgery to correct their teeth and that this is financially out of your reach. Most people will also conclude that the alternative would be to wear dental braces with all the images or wired teeth that this conjures up.

Whilst it is true that cosmetic dental treatments are not available on the NHS and therefore have to be paid for privately and in full, we think that you will be surprised at the value for money that these provide in return for a great looking smile.

With regards to the ‘wired up’ teeth; whilst these are still available, more and more of our Ashby and Burton patients are turning to a very discreet teeth straightening system; namely Invisalign.


Yes, Invisalign belongs to a new generation of orthodontic treatments that allows teeth to be straightened but eliminates the use of wires and brackets altogether. As we will see, this has a number of advantages beyond the most obvious one which is that they are barely visible when being worn. Like traditional braces, significant corrections in teeth repositioning takes time. This is because it is important not to put too much pressure on the teeth in order to avoid damage to both them and the supporting bone. Ultimately, this is the only way to do this safely but when wearing Invisalign orthodontics this becomes much less inconvenient as well as providing additional comfort.


The main ‘selling point’ for most patients of Alexandra Dental Care is that the trays that are worn over the teeth are made from a transparent but strong plastic material. When worn, they are barely visible, especially to those who don’t come too close to you. Even close up they are a lot more discreet than metal wiring! We will come to this in more detail in a minute, but it is worth noting at this stage that the trays can be removed by the patient. Whilst we don’t recommend this being done in excess of what is necessary, it would be possible to remove them if, for example, you had a job interview and you wanted to feel as confident as possible. Do remember though that removing them for periods of time will extend the treatment period so this should only be done in exceptional circumstances.

Removable trays

As mentioned above, the trays can be removed and put back in by yourself, with no need for adjustments by the dentist. Each tray in the series you will be given works to encourage the teeth towards their final position. In addition to the situation just mentioned, the trays should be removed when you eat and when you clean your teeth. This is a real plus for wearers. Not only does it mean that you can eat whatever you want without worrying about food becoming trapped in the wires and brackets, but you can also clean your teeth as you currently do. This is important as one of the drawbacks of traditional braces is that food and bacteria can become trapped and cases of tooth decay in braces wearers are far from uncommon.

Naturally, you will need to not only keep your teeth clean but your trays too. There is little point in brushing your teeth and then returning ‘dirty’ trays back over them and trapping any bacteria that is present. We will provide you with full cleaning and care instructions once we have provided you with the trays.

Why straighten your teeth anyway?

The most obvious answer and the one that leads people to have this treatment is to have a more attractive smile. There is little doubt that crooked and uneven teeth are not the most attractive look. In fact, a large proportion of patients of Alexandra Dental Care who have this treatment, have an additional teeth whitening procedure once it is complete in order to have the best looking smile possible. Appearances are not the only good reason though. Even teeth are generally more healthy. They are much easier to clean and therefore the risk of decay is reduced. Also, crooked teeth can lead to an uneven bite which can cause premature wearing of teeth and in some cases can even lead to jaw problems.

As you can see, we think that Invisalign is a great new advance in orthodontics for our Ashby and Burton patients. If you would like to find out more about these or to arrange to have an initial Invisalign consultation, please call our reception team on 01283 216347.

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