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It’s A Scary Time For Young Teeth!

2016 October 20
by admin

Advice for parents, from our Ashby and Burton dentists about Halloween ‘candy’.

It can’t have escaped parent’s notice that Halloween is just around the corner. Although this is still more widely celebrated in the USA than the UK, it has certainly grown here over the years and this has not escaped the notices of advertisers, or perhaps has been driven by them!

Of course, for the kids, it’s great fun, planning and making scary costumes (anyone going as a dentist?), but, for parents, the thought of a young child getting hold of bags and bags of sweets is a nightmare in itself.

Sugar and the damage done

There probably is no need to emphasise the damage that sugar can do to young teeth, attacking and weakening the enamel, and providing a food source for the bacteria that can lead to dental decay and gum disease. Although it is important all year round, it is especially important around events such as this, that parents make sure that their children brush their teeth well before going to bed, however tired the child is. Leaving sugar on the teeth overnight is not a good idea!

Easing the sugar load

Whilst we understand a child’s excitement about getting so many sweets, it is our responsibility as adults, to take care of their health and that means doing what we can to cut down the sugar.

We could, of course, simply confiscate the sweets and throw them away, but that would almost inevitably result in arguments that we don’t want to deal with at bedtime.  One solution may be to offer to ‘swap’ the sweets for a present that they may have wanted, or to take them to an event such as a football game or a cinema, in exchange? Ultimately, you know your own child, and we are sure that you can find an appropriate ‘compensation’.


Although we are widely known for our advanced cosmetic treatments by our Burton and Ashby patients; like most dentists, our key role is in the prevention of teeth and gum problems. Of significant help in preventing gum disease especially, is ensuring regular visits to our hygienist. This is also important for young patients, and, whilst they may not be at such a high risk of gum disease as older patients, the educational side of our hygienist’s work is very effective in helping children to understand why it is so important to take care of their teeth and gums. You may even find your child deciding themselves, that eating so many sweets is not good for their teeth…. We can only hope!

To help your children have a healthy mouth this Halloween and the whole year around, why not make an appointment for them at Alexandra Dental Care by calling us on 01283 216347 to see one of our child friendly dental team.

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