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Faster Restorations With CEREC Technology In Burton

2021 June 14
by admin

Crowns, inlays and onlays can all be fitted in just one visit to Alexandra Dental Care!

The popularity of cosmetic dentistry is increasing all the time and there are now cosmetic dentists in most towns and cities in the UK. Whilst most will offer treatments such as teeth whitening, more advanced treatments such as dental implants, may not be available from them all. As a modern dental; practice we do our best to keep up to date with technology and the solutions that it can offer. One of these which we are proud to offer to our local patients is the ability to have crowns and inlays/onlays fitted in just one visit.

In most dental practices, these restorations will be produced by taking impressions of the teeth which are then sent off to an external laboratory for the artificial restoration to be manufactured. This can take a week or more and requires two visits to the dentist, one for the impressions to be taken and the other for the new restoration to be fitted. This can be inconvenient for our busy patients and a one visit solution is something that our patients appreciate.


So what is Cerec? Cerec stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. In a nutshell it is a machine that produces restorations from a single block of enamel in around one hour. This obviously saves a lot of time for our patients and requires no second visit. There is also some evidence to suggest that the restorations produced in this way are of an even higher quality and durability than those produced at a laboratory.

No impressions

Taking an impression isn’t painful but some of you do find it a little unpleasant and messy. By using Cerec, we don’t need to do this but instead we take 3D scans of your teeth and this information is then fed into the system so that an accurate restoration can be produced. As this takes an hour or so, the patient can remain in the clinic or take a walk locally as long as they return in time to have the restoration fitted.

No temporary crowns

Another advantage for our Burton and Ashby patients is that there is no need to wear a temporary crown for the week or so while a restoration is being produced. This wait can be inconvenient and whilst essential to protect the tooth, it may not feel entirely natural and may make eating a little more difficult than you would like. We will ensure that you are made as comfortable as possible for the hour whilst your new Cerec produced restoration is made.

Cerec is just one of the additional things that we offer at Alexandra Dental Care. Others include IV sedation for nervous or anxious patients, the latest in dental implant equipment and also the ability to remove amalgam fillings and replace them with tooth coloured fillings for a more pleasing aesthetic effect. If you would like to find out more about any of these or would like to make an appointment with us, you can do so by calling Alexandra Dental Care on 01283 216347. Our team looks forward to welcoming you!

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