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Saving Time for our Dental Patients

2014 July 2
by admin

How inhouse technology at Alexandra Dental Care speeds up procedures.

Time is a commodity that many of us are short of these days. With phones and the like demanding that we are ‘always on’, it can often seem difficult to find the free time to go about our daily lives.

At Alexandra Dental Care, we like to offer our patients from Ashby and Burton, who travel a short distance to our dental practice, any time saving solutions that we can offer, without compromising quality of course.


One of our key ways of doing this is the use of Cerec technology. Cerec, or  Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, to give it its longer name, is a relatively recent development in dental care but one which has, in such a short time, proved to be highly successful and popular.

Essentially, Cerec is used in the production of dental crowns and veneers which would otherwise have to be produced at a professional dental laboratory. By using Cerec however, this stage of the process is omitted entirely.

When a patient attends our dental practice, needing a crown to repair a badly damaged tooth, or perhaps to have dental veneers fitted to correct minor damage or severe discolouration to their teeth, the first step is to take scans and x rays of the teeth that are to be corrected by either of these methods.

In the past, once this had been done, the results would have to be sent to the dental laboratory for the crowns or veneers to be made. By using Cerec technology inhouse though, the results are instead fed directly into the software and, from this, a crown or dental veneer is made from a block of ceramic whilst the patient waits. Depending on the dental item being produced, this usually takes around an hour or so.

No second appointment

Because the crown, or veneer, is made using Cerec, there is no necessity for a follow up appointment as would be the case were they to be manufactured at a laboratory. This prevents the need to perhaps take time off work and certainly saves travelling time and any inconvenience involved too.


Many studies have shown that crowns and dental veneers that are produced using Cerec are proving to be stronger and longer lasting than those which are produced in a dental laboratory. This is an obvious bonus for the patient and, at the very least, delays the need for a return visit to have a new one fitted in the future.

We are continually looking to invest in dental technologies that prove themselves to be useful to our patients and we can confidently say that Cerec has proved its worth in the time that we have had it installed at our modern cosmetic dental practice.

For more information about having dental crowns or veneers fitted at Alexandra dental Care, please call us on 01283 216347.

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