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Crowns, veneers and Inlays. Burton on Trent.

2011 October 12
by Alex Team

One visit Crowns, inlays and veneers.

With the use of our CEREC machine you can, with only one visit walk away with a permanent ceramic crown, inlay or veneer.

This means that there are fewer injections, less drilling, no messy impressions and less time out of your busy diary.

Most dental crowns, inlays or veneers require two appointments with the dentist. On the first visit you will have your local anaesthetic, your tooth prepared and an impression taken. You would then have a temporary restoration fitted to your tooth.

You would then visit the dentist a few weeks later once the technicians in a dental laboratory have constructed the restoration. Another local anaesthetic would be given and the temporary restoration removed. Your new and permanent restoration would then be fitted.

With CEREC we require only one appointment to do all of the above. The CEREC uses the latest computer assisted technology including 3D photography and CAD/CAM.

The dentist takes a series of pictures with the CEREC camera, creating an optical impression. This information is then sent to the on-site milling machine which then mills the restoration in roughly around 20 minutes. After this time your local anaesthetic is still effective and your permanent new restoration is fitted.

As you can see there are several advantages to having treatment with CEREC.

Speak to one of our team who will be happy to advise you on CEREC treatment.



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