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Straightening Your Teeth The Cheaper Way

2015 February 5
by admin

A special offer on Invisalign from Alexandra Dental Care.

Don’t worry; when we say a cheaper way, we aren’t thinking of a substandard cheap method to have your teeth straightened, but a special reduction in price for our dental patients on the popular Invisalign orthodontic method of teeth straightening.

Until the 12th March 2015, we are offering a large saving of £500 on this procedure; one that we are sure will prove to be popular.

Why are straight teeth important?

Many people may well see having a set of even and straight teeth as ‘desirable’ rather than ‘essential’. Whilst this may be understandable, there are many benefits to be gained from having straighter teeth that are not purely cosmetic.

But, let’s start first with the cosmetic reasons….

There is little doubt that having a nice even set of teeth is more attractive than having teeth that are crooked and uneven. If we are honest with ourselves, most of our patients from Burton and Ashby will probably acknowledge that they are drawn to people with a nice smile rather than those whose smile reveals crooked or discoloured teeth.

By having a nice smile then, we are naturally given something of a head start when it comes to getting on in life, whether this be work or relationships.

Leaving aside these benefits though, having your teeth straightened using Invisalign at Alexandra Dental Care, could also benefit the overall health of your teeth and gums.


A set of even and straight teeth are actually simpler to keep clean than crooked ones. Whilst a general brushing removes around 80% of the bacteria that can lead to gum disease, the remaining 20% can still cause significant problems.

By far the best way to remove this remaining 20% is to floss. This is something that some of our dental patients from Burton and Ashby say that they find difficult to do. Rarely though is this down to the technique, but more often than not simply a case of being unable to floss between the teeth because they are crooked and perhaps overlap slightly.

By not removing this bacteria, patients are likely to experience soreness or bleeding as the bacteria starts to affect the gums. If this is not treated by a dentist, this may even eventually lead to tooth loss.

Stains too are difficult to remove entirely when the teeth are crooked and although most of the tooth may be relatively clean, the edges where the brush can’t easily reach are likely to be discoloured, leaving an unpleasant appearance.

Whether for cosmetic or oral health reasons then, a £500 off special offer on our popular adult orthodontics should not be missed.

Please call Alexandra Dental Care now on 01283 216347 to book your free consultation.

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