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5 Ways To Help Keep Your Dental Implants Strong And Healthy

2017 September 12
by admin

Some useful guidance for new Burton dental implant patients.

Having dental implants placed  has changed many people’s lives. Although they offer a strength and security that even the best dentures can’t match, they do require an invasive procedure and a period of time to heal and bond with the jaw bone successfully.

So having taken the decision to have dental implants placed, it makes sense to take the best possible care of them. Below, your experienced Burton dentist offers implant patients some useful care advice.

Follow our advice

Every patient is different and whilst the advice below is good generally, there may be specific advice to be given to individual patients. It is important that you follow this guidance to help ensure your implant placement is a success.

General health

It helps to be moderately healthy before an implant procedure. This doesn’t mean that you have to hit the gym or run marathons though. Simply increasing your walking and general activity will help to boost your immune system and blood flow which assists healing and helps to prevent infections from occurring.

Alcohol and smoking

Smoking should be avoided altogether for a period of time before and after the procedure. Alcohol consumption should be moderated too. Both of these can contribute to an increased likelihood of gum disease. This is one of the biggest threats to your dental implants, whether new or long standing.

Eat gently

Once your dental implants have been placed at Alexandra Dental Care, you need to be careful of what you eat for a few months, during the osseointegration period. Liquid foods should be taken at first, moving on to soft foods such as mashed potatoes a little later. Once your implant is secured into the bone and your dental crown attached, even the hardest foods should pose no problems for healthy dental implants.

Keep them clean

It is critical that you keep your new implants clean. You may not be able to brush them initially due to soreness in the area and a warm saline solution tipped around the area should suffice until such time that you can brush your teeth. You should both brush and floss around the implant to make sure that “bad” oral bacteria and food residues are removed. This will help to reduce the risk to your implants, from periodontitis and peri-implantitis. We also recommend ongoing hygienist supervision once your implants have been placed.

Aftercare and any other relevant information will be discussed in detail during your consultations with us. We will also be pleased to discuss any questions, or areas of concern that you might have about the dental implant placement procedure. Burton, Ashby and local patients can call Alexandra Dental Care on 01283 216347.

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