
Removal of Amalgam

Removal of Amalgam/Mercury (silver) fillings in Burton and Ashby - Mercury Free Dentistry

Some patients have been found to be sensitive to amalgam fillings and request removal of these fillings. They often have health problems that are attributed to the mercury in the fillings and have been advised by general practitioners to have the fillings replaced with alternatives.This type of treatment has to follow a special pattern as the removal of the fillings can release more mercury.

Patient protection

A rubber dam and high volume evacuation must be used to protect the patient from the aerosol of water coolant spray used. The filling should be sectioned and removed in chunks.

Pre and post treatment protocols

Supplements before and after may be required e.g. vitamin c, selenium, charcoal, and magnesium succinate.

A high fibre diet and green food supplements may help rid the body of accumulated mercury also.

At the practice we have experience of this treatment, and do carry out the treatment successfully. Please contact our local practice for Burton and Ashby for more information.

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